According to Hippocrates, medicine is older than people, because diseases are also older than people.
Conceived on ancient traditions in the Middle Ages, medicine, as a science and practical skill, began to develop in Serbia after liberation from Turkish occupation in the 19th century. Exactly in this time, discoveries in the area of natural sciences, as well as achievements in the area of technology, enabled the beginning of its rise through gaining knowledge about the world of microbes, through fining a way to observe the inside of the patient’s body without a surgical procedure, as well as to eliminate pain during surgeries. Achievements of that Golden Age of medicine – antisepsis and asepsis, anesthesia and radiology – came into use in Serbia as well soon after they had been introduced in medical practice in Europe. Knowledge and efforts of the first generations of doctors in Serbia, which were educated at prestigious European medical faculties, created the core from which the development of modern medicine in Serbia began. Its numerous testimonies are kept in the Museum of Science and Technology.
- The museum of Serbian medicine of the Serbian medical society
- Medical technologies
- Preparations and models
- Pharmacy
- Medicine - photo collection
- Medicine - archives collection