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Astro-geo sciences

From the oldest times until today, the question of form and structure of the Planet Earth has undergone many changes. After learning to find their way in space, people wanted to know what the totality of that space, “on the surface of which we walk, on the waters of which we sail“, looks like. The section of Astro-Geo Science, which is still under construction, is supposed to bring closer to us the conclusions about the formation of the process of creating the universe, as well as planets of the Solar System, through reconstruction of information obtained from petrology, geochemistry, astrophysics, mining, as well as geodesy.


  • Mining
  • Geology
  • Geodesy
  • Meteorology
  • Collection of minerals and rocks
  • Collection of maps
  • Photo collection

уторак - недеља 11-18ч

300 динара – појединачна карта 500 динара – породична карта

Музеј науке и технике Скендербегова 51 11158 Београд (Градски превоз: трамваји 2, 5, 10, аутобуси 26, 79)