Powered by the Sea

Metal Candle – Lamp with an electrochemical power source

Authors: Aleksandar Despić, Kosta Krsmanović

Place and time of production: Belgrade, SFRY, 1986

Dimensions (cm): 7.5 . 5 . 16

Inventory number: Т:72.1


Metal Candle is an example of the use of alternative energy source based on electrochemical processes. Due to the simplicity of use, durability and its property of keeping its capacity when not in use, it was designed as a clean, harmless and ecologically acceptable mobile source of light. 

Under the management of academician Aleksandar Despić (1927–2005), it was developed as part of a joint effort of the collaborators from the Institute of Electrochemistry (today, Centre for Electrochemistry at the Institute for Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy), Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy and Laboratory for Electrochemistry of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia. The candle was designed by Kosta Krsmanović, professor at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade. It was patented under no. Р 263/86. 

It consists of an active core — electrodes (aluminium anode and air cathode) and plastic housing with a lightbulb. When sea water or saline solution (saline electrolyte) are poured into the housing, the light is emitted due to the electrochemical burning of aluminium. The lightbulb can be lit for up to 50 hours continuously, without changing the electrolyte, and it is turned off by pouring the water out. 

Metal candle is the first object listed in the documentation of the Museum of Science and Technology in 1989. It is a gift from the Museum’s founder, academician Aleksandar Despić. 


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Музеј науке и технике Скендербегова 51 11158 Београд (Градски превоз: трамваји 2, 5, 10, аутобуси 26, 79)