Small but big

Model of Dragoljub Šterić’s villa

Designer of the building: Milan Zloković

Author of the model: unknown

Place and time of production: Kingdom of Yugoslavia, 1930–1940

Dimensions (cm): 30 . 81,8 . 61,8

Inventory number: Т:68.1


As an integral part of architectural design, scale models appeared in the 14th century. It was not just a direct representation of a future object, but also a small work of art made by skilful authors. Architectural models came a long way until they become today’s 3D computer animations. 

Model of the Šterić villa was donated to the Museum by academician Đorđe Zloković, son of architect Milan Zloković (1898–1965), one of the most important protagonists in the modern interbellum architecture, in 1993. It is made of wood and it represents a rare surviving example of an architectural model made at the time of the construction of the building. 

Representative villa, a model of which can be seen by the Museum’s visitors, was designed in 1932 and constructed in 1933 for trader and industrial Dragoljub Šterić, one of the founders of Aeroplan and Hydroplane Factory Zmaj in Zemun. While designing the Šterić villa, Zloković displayed a studious and analytical approach and skill in the application of the main principles of modern architecture. Cubic, clean forms and dynamic composition make this building one of the anthological examples of modern style in the Serbian interbellum architecture.





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Музеј науке и технике Скендербегова 51 11158 Београд (Градски превоз: трамваји 2, 5, 10, аутобуси 26, 79)