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Movement of people and goods represents an important factor of development of social and economic systems through all historical periods. It is impossible to imagine contemporary civilization without road, water and air traffic. The section collects, preserves and displays the devices used in road transportation (from oxen carriages to horse drawn carriages, cars and trucks), water transportation (from boats and galleys to contemporary shipbuilding) and air traffic, indicating their technical, functional, historical and esthetic characteristics.


  • Road traffic
  • Water traffic
  • Firefighting materials and equipment

уторак - недеља 11-18ч

300 динара – појединачна карта 500 динара – породична карта

Музеј науке и технике Скендербегова 51 11158 Београд (Градски превоз: трамваји 2, 5, 10, аутобуси 26, 79)